Quoting the words pronounced by philosopher Criss Jami, “An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water can intoxicate.” Similarly drugs possess corresponding qualities. Teenagers in the 21st century are exposed to temporarily satisfactory but permanently destructive addictions. Often  incorrectly perceived, the factual and reliable interpretation of addiction is a disease that influences dependence on itself leading to inabilities caused by its excessive usage. The reason why drugs are discouraged by those who are fond of you is that they help deny feelings and lead to an amygdala hijack comprising of overlapping emotions such as isolation and depression, none of which prove to be beneficial to a human body in any aspect. Drug addicts interviewed by multiple institutions claim that drugs are the prime purpose of temptation to escapism which is mentally disorganizing.

Addiction is of various kinds. Observed from a biological aspect chemical addiction includes drugs like cocaine, weed, alcohol and heroin. On the contrary, non-chemical addiction refers to gaming, television or ironically even food. The types of drugs used to unburden the brain vary from one’s economic position in society. Cocaine’s bought by people from a higher socio-economic class but street orphans and children struggling to forget their miseries may use adhesives or intoxicants such as Samad bond to get high. Additionally in cities like Karachi, these children are noticed around Burns Road and Pakistan Chowk.

Humor is often used by young adults to curtain their feelings. For instance, while ending a relationship the person may laugh to indicate their well being but this humor encourages denial of emotions and becomes an addiction in the long run. When an individual starts rationalizing and reasoning the usage of drugs it is visible that they are proceeding towards addiction. Sublimation, applied in any circumstance must not be ignored instead must be hindered. Causes of this undeniable desire encompass exposure a being has, their social circle and the atmosphere that surrounds them. Will power and a fixed mindset must be positively incorporated in one’s life however, if negatively adapted it can lead to grave consequences such as prison or the need of a therapy. One out of five humans are addicted and as therapist Dr. Aun Ali tells another indication to addiction is the denial of having a problem. Initially from a simple cigarette, addiction proceeds and later is difficult to quit.

A quote from the movie Candy sums it up in an influential manner, “When you can quit, you don’t want to. When you want to quit, you can’t.” Such regrets are charged with psychologists worldwide suggesting; ‘’I wish I never started.”




5 thoughts on “

  1. Alayna May ur power to grasp the right things increase, I know you are talented may Allah protect you from every evil eye and keep you in his amman love you


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